This year we are pleased to announce the Eid bazar event on Saturday 30th June in Hockwell Ring Community centre offering:
- free refreshments
- cakes and treats for sale
- Arts & crafts
- Henna artist
- Items for sale
To book a stall contact 07846 242645.
Introducing Luton Revert Group
The Luton Revert Group is a community of new Muslims and their families, providing a safe space to encourage friendship, education and guidance.
The Group aspires to build a strong revert community, confident in its social and spiritual identity, becoming socially active citizens and forming strong relations with local institutions, projects and charities.
Regardless if one is new to the faith or practising for decades the social and spiritual challenges faced by individuals, couples and their children are unique and need addressing. The group is led by reverts who meet regularly, usually once a month, with focus on social time and time for reflection. The group aims to:
- Provide a safe nurturing environment
- Offer non-judgemental peer to peer support
- Offer befriending opportunities for one to one support if required
- Organise events such as iftars and Eid celebrations
- Organise sessions with invited scholars and religious guides
- Signpost to other organisations for extra support
- Provide access to education and learning through structured courses, online learning and bitesize educational activities to increase knowledge on specific issues
For more information contact or visit